Maximum vacation enjoyment
incl. the National Park Card
Nationalpark Card

Roast beef with napkin dumplings

Ingredients Roast beef for approx. 4 potions:

  • 600g beef shoulder
  • 150g vegetables (carrots, leeks, celery, diced)
  • 50g oil
  • 50g Mhl
  • 1Eßl. Tomato paste
  • 1/4 litre red wine
  • 1/2 litre beef soup
  • salt, pepper, mustard, pepper grains, bay leaf, juniper

Preparation of roast beef:

Season the meat well and rub with mustard. IN Oil, fry well all around and set aside. Roast the vegetables in the frying residue, toast with flour and tomato paste for a short time. Then pour in red wine & soup. Return the meat to the sauce and cook over a low heat (depending on the meat quality, it can take up to 2 hours. When piercing with the meat fork, the meat should loosen well). If necessary, season before serving.

Ingredients napkin dumplings:

  • 150g breadcrumbs
  • 50g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/8 litre milk
  • Salt, Muscat, Pepper

Preparation of napkin dumplings:

Mix the egg, milk, butter and spice, pour over the bread cubes and let them pass well. The dumplings can be cooked wonderfully in cling film: with a simple 2 pcs. Lay the foil overlap and smudge the dumpling mass into it, roll tightly and link the ends. Cook in boiling water for about 30 minutes. Lift out of the water, peel off the foil, cut into slices and sprinkle with BUtter.